3.We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness. 鎴戜滑鍠滄鎮ㄥ仛鎴戜滑鐨勮€佸笀,鎴戜滑灏婃暚鎮ㄣ€佹劅婵€鎮ㄣ€?/p>
4.Like and love are not the same , I like a lot of people, I like my family, I like my teacher, I like my friends, I like my classmates. But, I love you, only this one, no other. 鍠滄鍜岀埍涓嶄竴鏍? 鎴戝枩娆㈠緢澶氫汉,鎴戝枩娆㈡垜鐨勫浜?鎴戝枩娆㈡垜鐨勮€佸笀,鎴戝枩娆㈡垜鐨勬湅鍙?鎴戝枩娆㈡垜鐨勫悓瀛︺€?浣嗘槸,鎴戠埍浣?鍙涓€涓?鏃犱粬銆?/p>
5.Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey. 浜茬埍鐨勮€佸笀,鎮ㄥ氨璞¢偅鏄ュぉ鐨勭粏闆?婊嬫鼎鐫€鎴戜滑鐨勫績鐢般€傛偍缁欎簣鎴戜滑鐨勭埍鍜屽叧鎬€灏嗛紦鑸炵潃鎴戜滑璧拌繃鑹伴毦鍥拌嫤銆?/p>
6.You are a special person in our life. We all love you, Sir!浣犳槸鎴戜滑鐢熷懡涓緢鐗瑰埆鐨勪竴涓汉,鑰佸笀,鎴戜滑閮芥暚鐖辨偍銆?/p>
7.My Heartfelt Thanks To You, Dear Teacher. On The Voyage Of Life, You Have Kindled The Light Of Hope For Me. What You Have Done Enriches My Mind And Broadens My View. On This Day I Honour You Sincerely.
8.Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments e from the bottom of my heart. 鑰佸笀,鎰熻阿鎮ㄧ敤鑷繁鐨勭敓鍛戒箣鍏?鐓т寒浜嗘垜浜虹敓鐨勬梾閫?瀵规偍鎴戞弧鎬€鎰熻阿涔嬫儏銆?/p>
9.A teacher will never forget his kindness. I wish all teachers happy!Happy holidays! Happiness forever!鎭╁笀姘搁摥璁?甯堟仼涔呴毦寮冦€傜澶╀笅鑰佸笀蹇箰寮€蹇?鑺傛棩蹇箰!骞哥姘歌繙!
12.When you are good to students,you are best to yourself 锛孖 belive I can do 锛?鍠勫緟瀛︾敓锛屽氨鏄杽寰呰嚜宸憋紝鎴戞兂鎴戣兘鍋氬埌
13.students everywhere锛?kindness deep as the sea锛?I wish good health teacher锛佹鏉庢弧澶╀笅锛屾仼鎯呬技娴锋繁锛岀鑰佸笀韬綋鍋ュ悍锛?/p>
14.It is hard to please all.浼楀彛闅捐皟It is never too old to learn.娲诲埌鑰?瀛﹀埌鑰併€?/p>
17.No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude. 娌℃湁浜烘瘮鎮ㄦ洿鍊煎緱濡傛娣卞帤鐨勮阿鎰忋€備粎杩欎竴澶╄繙涓嶈冻浠ヨ〃杈炬垜浠鎮ㄧ殑鎰熸縺涔嬫儏銆?/p>
18.This is Teachers Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers Day.鏃堕€㈡暀甯堣妭,鏄悜鎵€鏈夋暀甯堣〃杈捐阿鎰忕殑鏃ュ瓙銆傝繖涓亴涓氬€煎緱鍙楀埌鐗瑰埆鐨勯噸瑙嗗拰灏婇噸銆傛鍒绘槸鍚戞偍鍙婃偍鐨勫悓琛屼滑鑷存暚鐨勬渶浣虫椂鏈恒€傛垜姘歌繙鎰熸縺鎮ㄣ€傜鑺傛棩蹇箰!
20.Whatever the road of life will be my future, I will always love you, teacher!
21.Spreading knowledge is sowing hope, sowing happiness銆?Teacher, you is this watch the seeder with happiness!
22.all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.
23.Teacher, you use the most noble human affection, love, spring sowing and seeding ideal, pneumatic鈥︹€?/p>
24.A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.鐚笂涓€浠界敎铚滃張鍙埍鐨勭ぜ鐗╃粰鎴戞渶鏁埍鐨勮€佸笀銆?/p>
25.My sincere thanks to you for being my teacher. Wishing you a happy Teacher鈥檚 Day!
26.You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you. 鎮ㄥ氨璞℃垜浠殑瀹堕暱,鎴戜滑閮芥暚鐖辨偍銆?/p>
28.The best way to learn is to learn from the best.Thanks for your wonderful lessons.Happy Teachers Day.
29.I just want to say: "teacher you hard. I wish you a healthy body, all the best!
30.dear Miss Yao, as the gratuation is driving near,I feel more grateful for you.In the past three year,you teach me a lot.Your encouragement really help me make progress.鏁埍鐨勫鑰佸笀,闅忕潃姣曚笟鐨勪复杩?鎴戣寰楁洿搴旇鎰熻阿鎮ㄣ€傝繃鍘荤殑涓夊勾閲?鎮ㄦ暀浼氫簡鎴戝緢澶氫笢瑗裤€傛槸鍦ㄦ偍鐨勬縺鍔变笅,鎹㈡潵浜嗘垜鐨勮繘姝ャ€?/p>
31.To Sir锛?With Love 鑰佸笀锛屾垜浠暚鐖辨偍
32.we wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. happy teacher鈥檚 day! 鎴戜滑閫佹偍涓€浠跺皬绀肩墿,浠ヨ〃鎴戜滑瀵规偍鐨勬劅婵€涔嬫儏銆傛暀甯堣妭鎰夊揩!
33.mdash;James AngelWe all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.This is Teachers Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers.
35.Teacher, thank you for using the light of my life, light up my life journey銆?/p>
37.Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.瀵规暚鐖辩殑鑰佸笀鐚笂鎴戜滑鐨勭埍涓庡叧鎬€銆?/p>
38.you have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. thank you for all that you have done. 鎮ㄤ笉浠呮槸涓€浣嶅悎鏍肩殑鏁欏笀,鏇存槸涓€浣嶅ソ鏈嬪弸,璋㈣阿鎮ㄦ墍鍋氱殑涓€鍒囥€?/p>
40.beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.
41.you are not only a good teacher but our close friend. thank you for helping us make something of our lives. 鎮ㄤ笉浠呮槸涓€浣嶅ソ鑰佸笀,涔熸槸鎴戜滑浜插瘑鐨勬湅鍙?璋㈣阿鎮ㄥ府鍔╂垜浠鍙戞湁涓恒€?/p>
42.Constant is your deep love and smile, bless you, my dear teacher!
43.you are like a third parent. we all love you and respect you. 鎮ㄥ氨璞℃垜浠殑瀹堕暱,鎴戜滑閮芥暚鐖辨偍銆?/p>
44.The book will always be my teacher and friend! I love to read a book.涔﹀皢姘歌繙鏄垜鐨勮€佸笀鍜屾寶鍙?鎴戠埍鐪嬩功銆?/p>
45.鑻辫鑰佸笀鐨勬儏涔? l love three things in this world. Sun,Moon and You. Sun for morning, Moon for night ,and You forever. 褰撳垵瑙佸埌浜嗗畠鐨勬儕鑹充腑鏂囩炕璇戠増: 娴笘涓夊崈,鍚剧埍鏈変笁銆?鏃ャ€佹湀涓庡嵖銆?鏃ヤ负鏈?鏈堜负鏆? 鍗夸负鏈濇湞鏆毊銆?/p>
47.first day of school, I know your new teacher. When I see you feel so warm, warm. In three years you will let us grow into a more sturdy trees. No matter whether I will be tall and straight trees, or low shrubs. Teacher, I will pay tribute to your life green. I hope our youth will always be with you the joy, Teachers Day approaching, my dear teacher, I wish you good health and good luck!寮€瀛︾殑绗竴澶?鎴戣璇嗕簡鎮?鏂拌€佸笀銆傚綋鎴戣鍒颁綘灏辫寰楁槸閭d箞浜插垏娓╂殩銆備綘浼氬湪涓夊勾涓鎴戜滑闀挎垚鏇寸矖澹殑灏忔爲銆傚皢鏉ユ棤璁烘垜浼氭垚涓烘尯鎷旂殑涔旀湪,杩樻槸浣庣煯鐨勭亴鏈ㄣ€傝€佸笀,鎴戦兘灏嗕互鐢熷懡鐨勭繝缁垮悜鎮ㄨ嚧鏁€傛効鎴戜滑鐨勯潚鏄ョ殑娆箰姘歌繙浼撮殢鐫€浣?鏁欏笀鑺傛潵涓翠箣闄?浜茬埍鐨勮€佸笀,绁濇偍韬綋鍋ュ悍涓囦簨濡傛剰!
48.On the journey of life, you enrich my soul, the development of my intelligence, as I lit a light of hope. Thank you, teacher! Happy teachers day!
49.Read thousands of books, read your noble feelings, travel ten thousandmiles, understand your selfless spirit, teachers, engineers of human souls,teachers day, happy Teachersday.璇讳竾鍗蜂功,璇绘噦浜嗕綘楂樺皻鐨勬儏鎬€,琛屼竾閲岃矾,鏄庣櫧浜嗕綘鏃犵鐨勭簿绁?鑰佸笀,浜虹被鐏甸瓊鐨勫伐绋嬪笀,鏁欏笀鑺?绁濆ぉ涓嬭€佸笀鑺傛棩蹇箰銆?/p>
51.send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day. 鍦ㄨ繖鐗瑰埆鐨勬棩瀛愯皑鍚戞偍鑷翠互鎴戜滑姘告亽鐨勬劅婵€涔嬫儏銆?/p>
52.The heart is as broad as the ocean, the love is as brilliant as the sun, andthe love is as great as family love. This is you, my dear teacher! Teachersday, students wish to send, wish you happy health, happiness forever!
53.Thousands of mountains and rivers are always love, sprinkle to the world is love! At the ends of the earth, there is no limit to the teachers kindness. Bless you, teacher!
54.There is no more appropriate time than this to honor you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers Day.We are more thankful than we can express.
55.Thanks for being such a great teacher. Happy Teacher鈥檚 Day!
61.I enjoy myself on the limited piano. Im used to living like that.鍦ㄦ湁闄愮殑閽㈢惔涓?鎴戣嚜寰楀叾涔?鎴戣繃鎯偅鏍风殑鏃ュ瓙銆傗€斺€斻€婃捣涓婇挗鐞村笀銆?/p>
62.寰惊鍠勮锛岃浜轰笉鍊︾殑鏄€佸笀銆?coaxing, teaching is a teacher.
64.Dear teacher, I hope you can have a sunny smile and a healthy body every day.
65.The wisdom of the teacher, today we send out light, still flashing you lit the spark!
66.鏁埍鐨勮€佸笀锛屾偍鐨勮皢璋嗘暀璇插鏄ラ锛屼技鐟為洦锛屾案閾垜蹇冦€俆he greatest teacher@鎴戠殑鑰佸笀
67.Dear teacher, although I do not often go to see you, but whenever I think of you, my heart will pass a trace of warmth. Wish you a happy day!
68.涓€鍒囪繃鍘讳簡鐨勯兘浼氬彉鎴愪翰鍒囩殑鎬€蹇碉紝鎴戞€€蹇电潃鎮ㄥ甫鎴戜滑璧拌繃鐨勫垎鍒嗙绉掞紒鑰佸笀锛岀绂忔偍妗冩潕婊″ぉ涓嬶紝鏄ユ櫀閬嶅洓鏂癸紒 涓€璺笂鏈夋偍鐨勬暀瀵硷紝鎵嶄笉浼氳糠澶辨柟鍚戯紱涓€璺笂鏈夋偍鐨勫叧娉紝鎵嶆洿鍔犵殑鑷俊鍕囨暍 鑰佸笀锛岃阿璋㈡偍锛?/p>
71.Although I am not your best student, but you are my heart the best teacher!
72.Have you in every day like in Christmas.
74.It鈥檚 your day, Teacher. Have a great day! 鑰佸笀,杩欐槸灞炰簬鎮ㄧ殑鏃ュ瓙,绁濇偍鎰夊揩!